Philanthropy is a calling

What Is Planned Giving?

Planned Giving allows anyone to make a substantial contribution to ORG FULL NAME — regardless of your income or financial status, whether you have one talent, or five. It is a way in which everyone has a chance to further God’s work. Not only that, planned giving also provides significant financial benefits to the giver.

Here’s how:

Some planned gifts provide lifelong income to the donor (yes, you read that correctly). Other gift plans significantly reduce taxes that would otherwise take a big chunk out your loved ones’ inheritance — providing for both this ministry and your heirs in ways that maximize the gift while minimizing its impact on your estate.

In short, a planned gift is any major gift that is part of a donor’s overall financial planning.

Planned Gifts Can Go a Long Way in Doing the Lord’s Work

Did You Know …

  • A planned gift not only helps us achieve and expand our God-given mission through the smart investment of your “talents,” it also allows you to shape your own financial legacy with your loved ones.
  • It allows you to make a far bigger impact than you could with gifts of cash.
  • A planned gift allows us to carry out our calling far into the future, while making a difference today.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not. The information on these pages will show you that the advantages of a planned gift are real and significant to the future of ORG SHORT NAME.

Tip of the week

You can make a gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime.

When you make a gift through your will or trust (called a “bequest”), you help guarantee our future financial strength without affecting your current asset balance or cash flow. It’s the easiest major gift and has a far-reaching impact.

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Gifts Anyone Can Make

These gifts often do not affect cash flow during your lifetime.

Gifts That Provide Income

These gifts pay you (or anyone you choose) in return.

Gifts That Protect Assets

These gifts help protect assets while making a gift.